I have always liked to create things
Who I am
As a child I loved to build Lego and as a teenager I spent many hours gaming on the PC. And somehow I was always asking, analyzing and tinkering. That I became a programmer as an adult was just the logical consequence of that. I love to build and develop things. The more difficult and complex they become, the greater my incentive to make it as beautiful as possible in my eyes. The fact that this profession then also takes place virtually opens up almost limitless possibilities.
Growing up in a village, I moved to Leipzig in mid 2018. As soon as I arrived in the big city, I found myself at mellowmessage. Mellowmessage is a B2B agency that specializes in digital marketing with the help of TYPO3 websites. Lots of input. Many exciting projects. A successfully completed apprenticeship. After almost 4 1/2 years I decided to take some time off. In the meantime deeply relaxed and recovered, I'm eager to get back to work. And preferably in a nice and open-minded team!
How and what I work with
I put special emphasis on high-performance websites with a smooth user experience. I'm always trying out new technologies that move me forward as a developer. I definitely don't want to stand still, because our industry is moving fast. And always. That's why I'm looking for a suitable environment. An agency with its finger on the pulse. One that works with professionals who can distinguish innovations from fast-moving trends.
Which technologies I have already worked with and how well I know them: